Scientific Committee

Members of the Scientific Committee:

  1. Adlija Ĉaušević, University of Sarajevo, ABMBBIH
  2. Lejla Kapur Pojskić, Institute for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Sarajevo, ABMBBIH
  3. Lada Lukić Bilela, University of Sarajevo, ABMBBIH
  4. Nino Sinĉić, University of Zagreb, HDBMB
  5. Igor Stuparević, University of Zagreb, HDBMB
  6. Marta Popović, Institute RuĊer Bošković, Zagreb, HDBMB
  7. László Buday, HUN-REN, Research Centre for Natural Sciences, Budapest, HBS
  8. Mihály Kovács, Eötvös Loránd University, HBS
  9. László Virág, University of Debrecen, HBS
  10. Roman Jerala, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, SBD
  11. Boris Rogelj, Joţef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, SBD
  12. Nataša Poklar Ulrih, University of Ljubljana, SBD
  13. Marija Gavrović-Jankulović, University of Belgrade, SBS
  14. Tanja Ćirković Veliĉković, University of Belgrade, SBS
  15. Djordje Miljković, Institute for Biological Research Siniša Stanković, Belgrade, SBS

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